On-line Forum on Philosophy, Engineering and Technology (Archive)
November 17-19, 2020
A screenshot of one of fPET2020’s sessions.
Due to COVID-19’s emergency, the face-to-face conference originally programed to be held in Valparaíso in May 2020 has been postponed to year 2022. A virtual conference was held instead on November 17-19, 2020.
The mission of fPET is to encourage reflection on engineering, engineers, and technology; and to build bridges between existing organizations of philosophers, engineers and scholars in related fields.
The organizers of the conference want to acknowledge the 132 attendees for their commitment and engagement, which made possible the fulfillment of such mission, despite the expected difficulties of a virtual forum. The conference was held using the platform and application Whova. 61 papers and 3 keynotes were presented by authors from 17 different countries. According to our registers, during the days of the conference and through a couple of days after it, a total amount of 131 interactions were made in the papers’ Q&A field. Besides, 38 discussion topics were posted, reaching 594 messages among the attendees on the platform. Without your enthusiastic participation, this meeting would not have been possible.
Please find here the program and the abstract book of the conference. Below is an archive of fPET2020 meeting, including key-note speakers and Organizing committee.
We look forward to meet you in Valparaíso for the fPET2022!
A screenshot of prof. Asada’s keynote and some attendees’ interaction.
fPET2020 Key-note speakers
Some helpful information to read on our keynote speakers can be found here.
fPET2020 Organizing Committee
Conference co-chairs
- Andrés Santa-María (Dept. of Humanistic Studies, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)
- Albrecht Fritzsche (Institute of Technology and Process Management, Ulm University, Germany)
Program committe
- Marcos Alonso (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez)
- Luciano Andreatta Carvalho da Costa (Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul)
- José A. Aravena-Reyes (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora)
- Philip Chmielewski (Loyola Marymount University)
- Shannon Conley (James Madison University)
- Rockwell F. Clancy (TU Delft)
- Michael Davis (Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Neelke Doorn (TU Delft)
- Claudia Eckert (The Open University)
- Matthew Harsh (California Polytechnic State University)
- Deborah Johnson (University of Virginia)
- Yanna Lambrinidou (Virginia Tech)
- Diego Lawler (CONICET, Argentina)
- Glenn Miller (Texas A&M)
- Édison Renato Pereira da Silva (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
- Patricio Quintana Gallo (Universidad de Valparaíso)
- Sabine Thuermel (TU München)
- Steven Umbrello (Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies)
- Carlos Verdugo Serna (Universidad de Valparaíso)
- Pieter Vermaas (TU Delft)
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